⚙️ Settings
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The dropdown will be populated with all After Effects Versions found on your system.
If no version is found, you can specify a path manually by selecting Choose...
Project Preview Range
Render Settings / Classic AEC
Current Frame
Define a Size between [ 1...30.000 ] for your Nulls or Shape-Layers.
Say you have a [50, 50] Shape/Null. By default the Anchor Point will be placed at [0, 0]. When this option is enabled the Anchor Point will always be at the center of the Shape/Null i.e. [25, 25].
Uses the "Bounding-Box" of the Object. [X, Y] for the Size.
As Null-Objects have no "Bounding-Box", the Object > Radius
will be used.
This will export Markers if found in the Cinema 4D Document.
AE > CC 2017
Setting Markers via Script was added in After Effects 14.0 (CC 2017)
Setting Marker Duration was added in Cinema 4D R17 / R18
Let's you only export Position, Scale and Rotation Data. If you have changed something in After Effects and you don't want your Size, Color or Font-Style to be changed with the next Export, use this option.
Make sure to enable this option, if you want to export Objects using either Mograph, Generators or Effectors.
Simply resets your Settings to default.
By default the path from your Render-Settings: Regular Image 'File...' is used to search for Multipasses and Footage... ( c4d tokens and relative paths will automatically be converted. ) However, you can also specify your own path by enabling the checkbox.
Insert Shape-Layers instead of Null-Objects. Keeps the project clean, man...